

Distribution of School Bus, Utensils, Chairs, Iron Cupboards and Mattresses

In a dedicated effort to support the Kanha Tiger Reserve and its surrounding communities, the SCF (Singinawa Conservation Foundation) has undertaken several impactful initiatives.

The following outlines key contributions made by SCF, reflecting our ongoing dedication to the wellbeing of the Kanha region and its inhabitants.

Enhanced Transportation for Kanha Bhoorsingh School:
To address the transportation challenges faced by 120 children from remote villages near the tiger reserve, SCF has donated an additional school bus. This initiative, recognized by the Madhya Pradesh Principal Chief Conservator of Forests, Mr. Aseem Shrivastav IFS, aims to reduce inefficiencies and save time for the students.

Rain Protection for Students:
During a visit to Kanha Bhoorsingh Public School, the need for adequate rain protection for students was identified. Responding to this, SCF has provided ponchos to all students, ensuring their safety and comfort during adverse weather conditions.

Supporting Anti-Poaching Camps:
Recognizing the vital role of forest guards in tiger conservation, SCF has made significant contributions to improve their living and working conditions:

Utensils: A new set of cooking utensils was donated to enhance the cooking facilities for the forest guards.
Chairs: To replace old and damaged wooden chairs, SCF donated durable plastic chairs, ensuring proper seating arrangements in the camps.
Iron Cupboards: To address the lack of adequate storage facilities, iron cupboards were provided for the safekeeping of guards’ belongings.
Cots and Mattresses: In response to the discomfort faced by guards sleeping on large trunks, SCF supplied cots and mattresses for a more comfortable rest.

These initiatives by SCF are part of a broader commitment to positively impact local communities and support conservation efforts around the Kanha Tiger Reserve.

Distribution of Woollen Caps to Villagers & School Kids in Kanha

The caps were knit by women working in Pins and Needles. Pins and Needles is a platform helping underprivileged girls by giving them opportunity to learn and earn through embroidery/knitting/crochet and stitching.
We like to empower/uplift and encourage these wonderful girls to earn with dignity and later get jobs to be independent.

Singinawa Conservation Foundation

Singinawa Conservation Foundation, under its various philanthropic and CSR activities, has donated one ambulance to Singinawa Jungle Lodge team. This is provided to support the deployment of emergency ambulance requirements around the Balaghat district regions, and nearby areas of Kanha National Park. It will provide immense help to respond to emergencies faster and more effectively, and ensure that critical patients reach the hospital medical facilities without delay.

Donation for 2nd Kanha Bird Survey Programme

Extending our contribution for 2nd Kanha Bird Survey Programme carried out from 18th February, 2021 to 21st February, 2021, we made a small donation to Kanha Workers Sahkaari Saakh & Kaamgar Samiti Maryadit, to facilitate Wildlife Conservation in general and Birds Conservation in particular.

Sweater distribution at Kohka school through the Singinawa Conservation Foundation

Winters in Kanha are simply intolerable. To ensure that the kids from the Kohka village stay warm and don’t miss their school lessons, we distributed sweaters to 180 students studying in the three government schools in Kohka.

Restoring the damaged houses of employees

One of the most basic necessities of life – having a roof over one’s head is what one dreams and works for. It is shattering to see the occupants roof-less, when temporary house structures get damaged due to vagaries of weather.

Inclement weather is quite common in the region of Kanha, where storms cause massive damage to houses. Last year, one of the Singinawa Jungle Lodge’s security guard’s house suffered massive damage, from such a storm.

Singinawa Conservation Foundation, as a token of regard for its loyal hard-working employees, partially funded the restoration of the house of this security guard. With proper walls and roof, which can withstand storms, the renovated house and life of this guard,  are a proof of dedication of the Foundation towards its employees.

Eye care camps organised

Healthcare for the villagers around Kanha is a priority for Singinawa Conservation Foundation. Considering their limitations and little access to basic medical aid, Team Singinawa has come forward to take up this onus. Setting up multiple health check up camps in order to improve the average health quotient of surrounding villages is on this team’s annual agenda. The foundation organized a free of cost EYE CARE CAMP for the villagers residing in Kanha and Bankiguna. More than 500 people were benefitted from this camp. This aid didn’t end here. For some, who needed additional treatments like for cataract, the foundation not only took them to a hospital in Balaghat, but also funded their entire treatment.

Solar lamps transforming lives

At Singinawa Conservation Foundation we continue to engage and foster meaningful connections with communities who are major stakeholders of the complete Kanha ecosystem through various interventions. Electricity transforms lives in every way, simplifying it as well as bringing about social transformations. In recognition of this fact Singinawa Conservation Foundation has donated solar lamps to improve the living conditions of the people of Baiga Tola village. These are members of the Baiga tribe who are a forest-dwelling tribe of central India. The solar lamps are also non detrimental to the natural eco system of the region. We have also installed 1 kVA solar electricity units at two anti-poaching camps in Kanha village.

Nature education camps organised

In an endeavor to create a more Sensitized Generation, Singinawa Conservation Foundation has provided aid to the Forest department of Kanha, which organizes ‘Nature Education Camps’. The Naturalists at Singinawa, also exert efforts in regularly sharing valuable knowledge, to continuously improve learning. Singinawa Conservation Foundation bears the full cost of the trip, inclusive of travel and stay at these Camps. These Camps are held for the Differently Abled children of the locals and tribals around the Kanha region.

Looking after the guards and park guides

They say some people are born benefactors, and we at Singinawa Conservation Foundation are driven by one. Our MD, Ms. Tulika Kedia’s soul is on constant search of ways to contribute towards the wellbeing of the human race and wildlife. Under her aegis, Singinawa Conservation Foundation has been persistently working towards the welfare of the Kanha community. Distribution of clothes to nearby villagers has always been very high on her various philanthropic works.

Blanket distribution for the Elderly of Kohka Village

In this season of harsh and biting winter, the Singinawa Conservation Foundation shared some real warmth with the elderly and senior residents of Kohka village in the form of warm blankets. The elderly people are more susceptible to the harmful effects of winter, and we hope our small gesture brings some relief to them.

Rain water harvesting (since 2019)

Keeping in mind the water scarcity problems faced worldwide, the foundation has built a rain water harvesting unit within the lodge premises. This will help reduce Singinawas dependency on the local water sources, which are also used by the local farmers and other communities.

Sponsoring the renovation of the school building

Bhoorsingh School, started by the Forest Department of Kanha, with the purpose of providing Quality Education to the local children around Mukki Gate area of the Kanha National Park, has been consistently supported since inception, both morally and through numerous interventions by the Singinawa Conservation Foundation. Besides other initiatives for the school, Singinawa Conservation Foundation has also sponsored the renovation work of the old building of the Bhoorsingh School.

Planting hope for a better future

They say, “he who plants a tree, plants a hope.” At Singinawa Conservation Foundation, we are continuously planting hope – for a better future. Our afforestation drive has grown leaps and bounds – we work very closely with the forest department of Kanha and the state govt. to carry out these drives. We also encourage our guests at Singinawa Jungle Lodge to plant a tree every time they visit Kanha. Through these various drives we have already covered premises of Singinawa Jungle Lodge, Mukki village, Baiga Tola village, Samnapur village and Kohka village.

Preserving the ethos at Kanha

At Singinawa Conservation Foundation, we are committed to ensure that we carry forward the legacy of tribals and villagers who live in the surrounding areas of Kanha. Preservation of the Kanha Reserve also entails preservation of the ethos that makes Kanha what it is. We organize traditional dance performances by Baiga Tola villagers at Singinawa Jungle Lodge in order to promote their talent and ensure that these forms of dances not only reach out to a wider audience but also enable the relevant encouragement for the performers. The musician in the picture is a blind artist and is a much liked performer at the Singinawa Jungle Lodge.

Snakes Awareness program

Singinawa Conservation Foundation practices the Philosophy of “Restoring and Maintaining the Ecological Balance between Man and Nature”. With this as the Focus, the Foundation has been actively working with Indian Snakes Organization and Mr. Sudarshan Sureshwar, who is a Snake Rescuer, and has rescued and re-located snakes around the peripheral villages of Kanha Tiger Reserve. With Mr. Sudarshan Sureshwar as the Guest Speaker, we organize regular Programs, which attempt to break the myths pertaining to snake bite treatments, wherein they rush victims to Faith Healers (often quacks) rather than organizing immediate and proper medical attention for them.

Sponsoring resource books

At Singinawa Conservation Foundation, uplifting & empowering the local community is an essential part of our long term vision. We constantly strive towards their betterment through our multiple initiatives. Recently, we provided guide books to the local guides of Mukki gate. These books will go a long way to enhance tourists’ experience during safaris.

Solar Power: Lighting up the darkness

We at Singinawa Conservation Foundation, feel extremely privileged to donate a 1 KW Solar Plant to the Sukhdi Camp inside Kanha National Park.

Forests guards who live deep inside the jungle have to often spend a significant portion of their day without electricity. This plant will go a long way in empowering them with the basic need of electricity and adding a little bit of comfort to their efforts.

We are deeply committed to the ecological and social integrity of the Central Indian Highlands, especially Kanha and the contiguous forests of Chattisgarh and the mighty Narmada. We find it as our compelling duty to contribute in whatever ways we can, to the ever-important cause of the forests. This installation is our conscious effort in that direction.

Nature Education Program initiative by Singinawa conservation
Nature Education Camp (NEC)

A campaign for awareness of the natural landscape and its inhabitants, the Forest department of Kanha Tiger Reserve in association with the  @lastwildernessfoundation have chalked out a brilliant programme, which educates and enlightens children of 250 schools, who reside in the buffer region of the tiger reserve. Being the immediate neighbors of the reserve, the survivability of the entire forests depend on them.

Namrata and Phalgun, naturalists at Singinawa Jungle Lodge with the logistic help of the Singinawa Conservation Foundation helped out by giving talks to 4 different schools (3 middle schools and 1 high school) located near sijhora buffer and sarhi zone.  Approximately 180 children were present for this awareness campaign. The forest department then goes on to take these chikdren out to the jungle on safari in batches as 50-60% of the children have never heard nor seen the most common animals and trees in this reserve.

Supporting Bhoorsingh School

As part of the education mandate at Singinawa Conservation Foundation, it is our constant and consistent endevour to aid and assist in improving the lives of people who are essential stakeholders at Kanha.

We work with the local government school and provide basic stationary in order to equip the children with all the tools for an improved learning. So far, schools of Kohka, Samnapur, Banda Tola, Baiga Tola and Lagma villages have been the key focus of this program.

Supporting education for underprivileged children

An investment in knowledge pays the best interest. – Benjamin Franklin

With this as the core belief, Singinawa Conservation Foundation has focused on consistent and unwavering commitment, to provide education to the under-privileged children in and around the Kanha region. In an attempt to improve Learning, as well as encouraging more children to attend School, Singinawa Conservation Foundation provides School Bags, Lunch Boxes, Uniforms, Stationeries, Books, Water Bottles, Musical Instruments, Furniture, Water Purifiers and Solar Panels, to the Bhoor Singh School, for the benefits of these children. As daily travel from home to school and back is often on foot and mostly unaccompanied by guardians, irregular attendance is a big problem. Singinawa Conservation Foundation donated a School Bus this year to ensure safe and organised daily travel easier for the children. Singinawa Conservation Foundation leaves no stone unturned to equip the School Authorities with better infrastructure and amenities.

Promoting ecological awareness

Singinawa Conservation Foundation is run on the fundamental belief of bringing about ecological awareness. Our core focus remains conservation and promoting ecological awareness.We therefore encourage our guests and travelers to become a part of this conservation regime. We make them join hands with us and practice conservation by various means. We have received encouraging response from them as they truly understand the unique ways we have adopted to conserve the ecosystem of Kanha. We welcome people to join us in partnering these philanthropic activities to embrace wildlife and local communities of Kanha.

Sponsoring water purifiers

Contaminated water is one of the biggest causes of water borne diseases that leads to thousands of deaths in India. Whilst access to clean water is a basic human right, many parts of rural India are still struggling hard to get pure drinking water. In our endeavor to ensure health and wellness of our neighborhood, we reached out to the residents of Baiga Tola village to resolve their problem of contaminated drinking water. As a first step to bring them closer to clean drinkable water, we provided them with water purifiers. Many more initiatives are underway in this direction.

Cleaning initiative at the Banjar river

Banjar River penetrating through Kanha National Park is the lifeline for over 100 species of flora and fauna and an essential part of the ecosystem. This environment day Singinawa Conservation Foundation undertook a cleaning initiative at the Banjar ensuring cleaner water supply to sustain its vast biodiversity.

Solar lamps gifted to Kanha locals

Singinawa Conservation Foundation remains committed to its guiding principle of Energy Conservation and Community Empowerment. The SCF staff is handing over solar powered lamps to the local community of Kanha.